Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Do Eyelashes Grow Back?

Longer and thicker eyelashes are desire of almost every women.As they add more beauty to the face.Somtimes due to illness or eye makeup products people lose their natural eyelashes.Most of individuals take best care of their natural eyelashes.However, it can be devastating if their eyelashes got damaged.So, this the time when people asked the Question: Do Eyelashes Grow Back?
Simple Answer is YES--
In current erra it's very much possible to Regrow thicker,longer and beautiful eyelashes in minimum possible time.However, it required bit work from your side.
By following these steps you can easily grow back your natural eyelashes quickly and naturally...
1) Apply eyelashe Serum during nights.Find an eyelash serum that is authentic and that you can be used without any side affects.Currently Idol Lash and Revitalash are market leaders getting good positive reviews.I will personally recommend Idol Lash because it's high success rate.However you must ensure to remove eye makeup and cleanse face before applying such serums.
Good news is Idol Lash Serum is also offering Free Trial Offer [http://mhlnk.com/5E206744] for limited time.Click Here [http://mhlnk.com/5E206744]For more info.
2)Increase intake of vitamins.Make sure you are taking healthy diets contain all necessary vitamins and minerals important for growth of eyelashes.Similar vitamines and minerals that enhance the growth of regular hair also greatly encourage eyelashes growth.For this purpose you can take fish oil,biotin or B Vitamin supplements.
3) Limit the use of harsh eye makeup products. Although eye makeup can dramatically improve your look, it also takes a toll on eyelashes. Mascara is the prime culprit. To minimize damage, use a gentle mascara that can easily be removed. Stay away from waterproof mascara. Although it lasts longer, it is notorious for being difficult to remove and for damaging eyelashes.
4) Always stay positive and happy and get away from stress and panic attacks.As stress can result poor nutrition that can cause hair loss.That can also affect your eyelashes regrowth.You can easily manage your stress at lower level by getting active socially,joining a gym and keeping yourself positive for constructive things.It will not only improve your overall health but also boost the regrowth of eyelash hair.
5) Condition your lashes. Just as you condition your hair to maintain shine and softness, you also must condition your eyelashes. There are a variety of options on the market. However, the cheapest and simplest option is pure olive oil. If you're not going out, apply a light layer of oil to your eyelashes. This will condition them and give them a lustrous sheen
6) Unltimately, when you started to see success.Condition your lashes just like you condition your hair for maintaining shine and softness.For this purpose you can apply light layer of oil to your eyelashes.